Desiree Scales Launches The Chris Brogan Project

Desiree Scales, CEO of Bella Web Design, launched The Chris Brogan Project January 3, 2011.

The Inspiration: Desiree was inspired by Chris Brogan’s post “100 Blog Topic I Hope YOU Write” back in September, 2007. It made her think about the Julie/Julia Project in which Julie Powell was looking for a challenge and decided to cook all of Julia Child’s recipes in “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” (Desiree felt The Chris Brogan Project challenge would be a lot easier as no fire, grease or eggs were involved.) So, her 2011 challenge to herself was to write 2 of the 100 blog posts each week. She was also tired of hearing other business owners complain that they couldn’t blog because they “didn’t have time.” She wanted to show them they were capable of more than they thought and a little extra work would be worthwhile to their business.

Desiree not only runs a business full-time, but is a wife, mom of two active kids, plays tennis, cello and piano, sings, designs/codes, is an active photographer and knitter. She believes that if you want to find the time to do things you enjoy, you will.

Can she do it? Time will only tell. View the project at